- A candidate can apply for Revaluation, Scrutiny and photocopy of all theory papers/courses.
- The revaluation of answer scripts shall not be permitted in respect of scripts of the examinations for which there is provision for double valuation/Practical examination /Dissertation/Internal
assessment/Thesis/Viva voce/Clinical/Sessional marks.
- Application for the revaluation/issue of photocopy/scrutiny of answer scripts should reach the Controller of Examinations within the last date prescribed by the University.
- The candidate is required to produce attested Photocopy of the mark lists(s)/grade card(s) of the papers/courses applied for revaluation/scrutiny /issue of photocopy.
- Prescribed Fee :
The current fee structure
- Revaluation for Non-Professional courses . 515/-(Five hundred &Fifteen Only) per paper/part
- Issue of photocopy . 265/- (Two hundred & Sixtyfive Only) per paper/part
- Scrutiny .135/- (One Hundred &Thirtyfive Only) per paper /part.
- Mode of remittance of fee:
Fee can be remitted:
- At the State Bank of Travancore, Branches: Head of Account 202-03
- At Treasuries: Head of Account: 8658-00-102-96(27)K.U.S
Purpose of remittance �fee for the revaluation /issue of photocopy /scrutiny of answer scripts�
- After the revaluation, results will be finalized as follows:-
- When marks are awarded:
- After the revaluation, the original marks secured by the candidate will not be changed (i)If the
revalued marks are less than the marks awarded in the original valuation or(ii)If the marks
exceeds the marks awarded in the original valuation by less than 5% of the maximum marks of
the paper .
- If the award of the first re-evaluator exceeds the original marks by 5% and up to and including
10% of the maximum marks of the paper, the average of the marks of the original examiner and
the first re-evaluator will be awarded.
- If the award of the re-evaluator varies from the original award by more than 10% of the
maximum marks, the answer script will be examined by a Second re-evaluator and the average
of the two nearest awards out of the three awards thus available (including the original award)
shall be taken as final.
- If there happen to be a difference of more than 30% (of the maximum marks) between the
first revaluation and second revaluation, the same will be subjected to a third revaluation. In
such cases, to finalize the result, the average of the two nearest marks awarded on revaluation
will be taken.
- In the case of examinations where questions in a question paper are to be answered under
the divisions of Part A,B and or M,C,Q the difference of the percentage of maximum marks for
determining the finalization of revaluation marks as detailed above, will be taken as the
difference of percentage of all the parks A,B and or M,C,Q put together provided if the marks
awarded to a party by first revelator is the same or less than the original marks awarded to that
part, such answer script(part) will not be sent again for revaluation as envisaged under clause
�C� above.
- While taking average of two revaluations marks, fraction of 5 and above be rounded to the
next denomination only in the case of the paper for which the maximum marks is 60 or above in
all other cases, fraction be entered as 1/4 (.25) or �(.5) or �(.75)as the case may be, ignoring the
fraction in between them.
- When grades are awarded:
- After the revaluation, the original Grade/Grade Point Average (the grade point average
of an answer paper is calculated by dividing the sum of weighted grade points by the sum of weights ) secured
by the candidate in an answer paper (ESA theory) will not be changed if the Grade Point
Average on revaluation is less than the Grade Point Average awarded in the original
- If on the revaluation the original Grade Point Average is enhanced but not resulting at a
change in the Grade originally awarded, the average of the Grade Point Average of the original
examiner and the first re-evaluator will be taken as final and awarded as such.
- If on the first revaluation the original Grade is changed to a higher grade, the answer paper
will be examined by a Second revelator and the average of the Grade Point Averages awarded by
the two re-evaluators shall be taken as final and awarded as such even if there is no change in
the Grade.
- At least a period of 105 working days time from the last date for receipt of application of
revaluation is normally required for completing the revaluation process. The facility for revaluation/
scrutiny/photocopy is only for the purpose of getting redressal of the grievances and not as a right in
the strict sense of the term. The delay in the declaration of revaluation result for any reason whatsover shall not confer any right upon the students for admission to the next higher class or
registration and appearance for subsequent examination, and such matters shall always be regulated
in accordance with the relevant Acts, Statutes, ordinances, rules and regulations framed by the
University in that behalf. In case the revaluation results are delayed beyond the time schedule for any
reasons whatsoever, no claim for compensation or complaint against the University will be
entertained under a any circumstances.
- The application received after the last date, for any reason, will not be considered.
You can fill the online application which is provided in this web site. Read the instructions carefully and fill the Online Application Form.
Before posting the application form enclose all the items listed below.
1. Printout of the Application form duly filled and signed.
2.Original Chalan receipt of .515/-(Five hundred & Fifteen Only)per paper/part(For Revaluation for Non-Professional Courses).
3.Issue of Photocopy:.265/-(Two hundred & Sixtyfive Only) per Paper/Part.
4.Scrutiny:.135/-(One Hundred & Thirtyfive Only) per Paper/Part.
Address to which applications are to be sent:
The Controller of Examinations
Kannur University,
Civil Station P.O
Kannur, Kerala. PIN 670 002.